Bella not only makes a difference in the lives of our singers who join the organization, but also strives to bless others.

Our organization lifts spirits through our annual concerts, singing at area churches and nursing homes, participation in choral festivals and outreach to patients at Mayo Clinic and the greater community, including orphanages and hospitals around the world. 


During our spring concert each year, we feature a charitable organization.  Through our sharing together in this way and now funded through a portion of ticket sales, we raise awareness and give back to those in need.  


Spreading Joy and music throughout the world.

A unique and very memorable highlight of our 2015 European tour was spending time with staff and members of an orphanage and foster home in Bratislava, Slovakia. The Bella Voce choir spent an afternoon with the children at Detský Domov in Bratislava, Slovakia. Detský Domov is a home for Slovakian children who either have no family or whose family is unable to care for them. The Minnesota girls and the Slovak youngsters played soccer, made bracelets and though they couldn't understand each other, read together. By day's end, Detský Domov's children had learned to sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider."  

  • Breaking the Chains of Human Trafficking Benefit

  • Concert for the Sisters of St. Francis 

  • Women's Shelter

  • Charter House

  • Waters Senior Living

  • Cy's Place - Pediatric Transplant Home

  • Neuro Hospitality house


Bella visited Waters Senior Living and treated them to some Christmas music.